We are looking for a post-doc to join our team
We are looking for a post-doc to co-write and submit a proposal for a Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship Grant (and/or other post-doc grants e.g. the NWO Rubicon, etc.) on the topic of Incentivized Organ Donations (allowing payments for organs). The aim of this project is to design a randomized survey and choice experiment to explore the nature of preferences of Europeans toward paying/rewarding organ donors.
The (prospective) post-doc must have a demonstratable track record of quantitative research methods (statistical analysis, randomized surveys, incentivized choice experiments, etc). This project will be conducted in collaboration with the Medical Ethics Department of Erasmus MC and with Johns Hopkins Carey Business School (Washington D.C.). The employment of the post-doc is contingent on the awarding of the grant. In case of a successful grant application, the post-doc will be employed by Erasmus MC Transplant Institute.
Submission deadlines for the fellowships are expected throughout 2023.
Interested and eligible candidates can send an e-mail to Eligibility criteria and other information about Marie Curie Fellowships can be found here. Information about the NWO Rubicon Fellowship can be found here.
We are looking for a candidate for NWO's Mosaic 2.0 PhD scholarship
We are looking for a talented candidate interested in applying for a Mosaic 2.0 PhD scholarship on the organ trade. Mosaic 2.0 is a PhD scholarship program of the Dutch Research Council (NWO) aimed at the underrepresented group of graduates with a migration background from Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Central and South America and Turkey in the Netherlands. The procedure consists of a pre-proposal and a full proposal. Mosaic 2.0 is a science-wide program; any research topic can be eligible, but must address a new and emerging theme within the organ trade. Examples may be (but are not limited to): organization of organ trade networks; transplant tourism; global health care inequalities; living liver trade, criminal justice perspectives; cultural aspects of organ trade; online dimensions of organ trade; cybercrime aspects; virtual ethnography.
We in particular welcome research topics covering the organ trade in under-explored geographic areas in Africa, Asia, Central and South America, Eastern Europe and the Middle East.
The candidates will co-author the grant application with the PI on behalf of Erasmus MC Transplant Institue. Interested candidates can send an email to with their CV, motivation and a short description of their (novel) research idea. More information about Mosaic 2.0 and eligibility can be found here. Anticipated deadline is in 2023.
Call for Papers for a special issue on the organ trade
The ELPAT WG on Organ Trade and Trafficking has initiated a Call for a Special Issue on "the Illicit Trade in Human Organs: New Directions and Critical Perspectives from Interdisciplinary Research", to be published in the Journal "Crime Law and Social Change".
For this special issue, we welcome a broad range of interdisciplinary and methodologically innovative contributions that address neglected facets of the organ trade. Submissions can include a variety of topics, such as, but not limited to:
- actors and activities of organ trade networks;
- corporate and/or organized crime aspects;
- transplant tourism; global health care inequalities;
- law enforcement; criminal justice perspectives;
- regulated organ markets; rewarded gifting; cultural aspects;
- migration, people smuggling and organ sales;
- online dimensions of organ trade; cybercrime aspects; virtual ethnography
Guest editors: Drs. Sean Columb and Frederike Ambagtsheer
Contributions presenting empirical data (through qualitative or quantitative research) are particularly encouraged. The deadline is May 31st 2023. All papers will undergo a double-blind peer review process, according to the common review procedures of Crime Law and Social Change.