Eva Lakwijk

Eva Lakwijk completed her Master's in Criminology (2021-2023) at Erasmus University Rotterdam and was involved in the research project, 'Organs as a Gateway to Europe' as a research intern from November 2021 until July 2022. She obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology at Utrecht University in 2021.

During her internship with Erasmus MC’s Transplant Institute, Eva conducted ethnographic fieldwork in Rotterdam, The Netherlands and in Athens, Greece. She focused on obtaining insight into the financial situation and the socio-cultural context that influenced the decision-making processes of migrants selling or not selling their kidney. The collected data has led to her MA Thesis (in Dutch), “Keuzes over grenzen: de rol van nierverkoop in het financieren en faciliteren van irreguliere reizen naar Europa”. In September 2022 she enrolled in her second Masters in 'Care, Ethics and Policy' at the University of Humanistic Studies at Utrecht University.
