Frederike Ambagtsheer is assistant professor at the Erasmus MC Transplant Institute, Dpt. of Internal Medicine, Section Nephrology and Kidney Transplantation and the recipient of a NWO Veni Grant and a NWO XS pilot grant. She is the principal investigator of the research projects presented on this platform. She has a MSc in Criminology, a LL.M. in Public International Law and a PhD on the Organ Trade.

Her research has featured on CNN, BBC, Washington Post, NY Times, Volkskrant, RTL and NOS. She is a regularly invited speaker at conferences, universities and other platforms in The Netherlands and abroad.  She has given a Tedx talk titled, 'Let's allow a fair trade in kidneys' and has given a talk for 'Universiteit van Nederland', 'Mag je jouw nier ruilen voor een Porsche?' She has worked as a consultant for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and as an advisor for the Dutch government. Since 2021 she is editorial board member of Transplant International. From 2024-2027 she is vice-chair of the European Platform on Ethical, Legal and Psychosocial aspects of Transplantation (ELPAT). Full CV

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